Blog update for the first time in half a year

I hate myself at all. I didn’t update it for half a year … What on earth was I doing? I have a habit of thinking flying around. It can be said that the events that have occurred in the last six months are exactly the embodiment of one’s own thoughts. Diet, investment, liquor, photography, excursions, and lots of books. No matter how much money I have, it’s not enough. However, it is strange because I can live. I don’t ponder because life has wonders.

For the time being, work is continuing. It’s a web writer’s job. I took a rest for a while, but it’s still going on. Don’t ponder. that is okay.

The reason why the model making did not proceed is probably because of the heat. Humidity was also high. Because of that.

For the time being, this Panther G was completed half a year ago. Isn’t that good?

Okay. Blog update completed!